Tools and services that save time help us get through those busy days. We thought you might like to hear about some that we find useful.
It’s part of the Microsoft Office suite and we use it extensively to write notes, file documents and share important information among the Polaris staff. Best of all, we can access it from nearly anywhere on a wide variety of devices. Keeping our plans, notes, media, instructions and ideas current and easy to find helps us focus on the important stuff.
Sometimes we need some basic “how to” information like how to manage time, how to create an effective presentation or how to get started on a new device. We find to be an easy, economical way to learn. offers an extensive, online course library that lets you learn what you want, when you want. You can even practice with the instructor’s files while you watch and listen.
This is a great travel organizer. It’s easy and it’s free. Just forward your plane, hotel, car or conference confirmations to the TripIt website and they automatically organize it into an itinerary that has all of your trip details in one place. It’s available on your mobile device which is a plus when you’re on the go.
Of course Polaris Strategic Solutions tops our list. Our customers tell us how much more productive they have become. We save them time and money by providing quick turnaround on new requests, information presented to their specs and automation to keep them current. Best of all, we span the enterprise for ease of use and confidence in the data. You can’t beat the ease and convenience.